
The COVID-19 pandemic will leave wounds that are difficult to heal, especially in the economic sphere. However, as in all crises in history, there are sectors that will benefit greatly from this scourge.

More than thirty years later, the Chernobyl nuclear plant and the extensive contaminated area that surrounds it (zone exclusion) have been frozen in time, just as everything remained that fateful April 26, 1986.

Loneliness and abandonment of the elderly is becoming an endemic disease with serious consequences in Spanish society.

December 28th is a designated day for the town of Ibi (Alicante, ESP). It is the date on which the festival of Els Enfarinats is celebrated each year.

In my reports I try to create as little fuss as possible … I prefer to observe and let things happen. Somehow, I want to make myself invisible.

Borja Abargues

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